The number of shape changes of the molecule will alter the UV intensity change.Test results of polarized sunglassesTest results of polarized sunglassesSunglassesSunglassesIf you leave the ultraviolet light,in case you come indoors,it is made to the corresponding chemical change.When suddenly left the UV,thus these molecules can quickly lose the absorption characteristics of the light,it will be restored to its original structure.
It is,or will happen the speed of the whole process changes whether in very quickly to reverse a positive change.In the code ?? training,Inc.1960 production PhotoBrown and PhotoGrey series,the lens is made of glass,the molecule will be distributed throughout the evenly lens.Venta al por mayor barata Nike If you use this method with prescription glasses,since the thickness of different parts of the location prescription lens color is further darkened may vary slightly thicker,problem becomes clear.However,the widespread use of plastic lens,it has developed a new approach.Plastic lenses,by being immersed in a chemical bath,the color molecules are absorbed into the depth of the plastic lens of approximately 150 microns.This new method,the coating process,the thickness of the color molecules only 5 microns,much better than a simple coating process that it can not provide enough molecules to darken the lens.Specular reflectionReflective lens sunglasses,can be reflected as a mirror.Coated with a very thin reflective coating on the lens - so this layer is a very thin coating,it is called a half-plane.The term reflective elements "half" is coming from the top of the lens is very sparse,the number is about half of the lens becomes opaque number of mirrors of the molecule.At the molecular level,the reflective elements are uniformly uniform film layer and is dispersed on the surface of the lens to form a half of the area of ??the covered lens film.You can reach to the surface.The semi-silver plated surface reflects the light of about half,and let the other half of the light passing through direct ??.Typically,the mirror coating is gradual,paint and change the color depth from top to bottom gradually.
Cheap Caps Wholesale New Era 59fifty The bottom and horizontally,more while allowing the light which can be enhanced sunglasses to light from the top of elasticity.This means that when you are driving,sunglasses,still you,while it possible to view the dashboard and means to block the sunlight.Sometimes paint is faded at the top and bottom of the color depth of the best lens,the center of the lens is clear.Important issue,paints,reflecting sunglasses is that the vulnerable.Obviously,we sunglasses manufacturers have not been able to be successful with a reflective film which is coated with a scratch-resistant layer now.Thus,the anti-scratch layer is applied to the lens surface is coated with a reflective film on the scratch layer.Anti-scratch protection layerGlass,is a natural anti-scratch,it is not a majority of plastic.To solve this problem,manufacturers,a series of methods,has developed a robust transparent layer of the coated surface film of the lens.Such films are perforated by the class of carbon and polycrystalline diamond sintered body of the material.The ionization process,a thin layer on the surface of the lens,please wear a very resistant membrane.Antireflection coatingA common problem is,back glare on the back of the light after he is reflected in your eyes is generated,is the emergence of sunglasses after glare.The effect of the anti-reflective protective coating is to reduce the reflected light lens.And anti-scratch protection layer,anti-reflective coating,
Best Cheap Nike Wholesale Roshe Run a layer of the lens is very strong,very thin membrane.The refractive index of the antireflection film material between the air and the glass.This is roughly equal to the film strength of the inner surface and an outer surface of the reflected light.The thickness of the film when the inner and outer surfaces of the film,light of a wavelength of light reflected from a would cancel by destructive interference minimizes glare look like this 1/4 It is the degree.Anti-reflective coating is also the front face of the refractive lens,and are applied to several sunglasses to eliminate glare produced by the reflection lens and a "hot spot"UV coatingOne of several causes of the most serious eye disease,is as follows.Ultraviolet light.UV A,UV B: according to the frequency and wavelength,UV is classified into two categoriesAs the protection of the natural eye,the eye of the people of the cornea,the majority it will be able to absorb,however,still some of the UV-A of all of the UV-B and UV A is,to reach the eye of the lens There is a trout.May cause cataracts,a long time to absorb ultraviolet light,a small amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the retina via the cornea A,can cause macular degeneration,macular degeneration,over 65 of the elderly,it is a major cause of the resulting blindness.Long-term exposure to strong ultraviolet radiation,in burns of the retina,can cause eye cancer or chemical keratitis.
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